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Kinetic 48051 Fouga Magister CM 170


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Kinetic 48051 Fouga Magister CM 170


1 in stock


Basic information

Manufacturer Kinetic
Product code KIN48051
Weight: 0.55 kg
Ean: 9588838160826
Scale 1:48
Added to catalog on: 4.13.2017
Tags: CM-170
Fouga CM.170 Magister is a French, twin-engine, training plane designed by the Fouga et Cie. It was the first French jet plane. The flight of the prototype took place on July 23, 1952, and they were delivered to the linear units in 1954. The machine was distinguished by an unusual butterfly tail, but also great flight parameters and high overall quality of the structure. It was powered by two Turboméc Marboré IIA engines. There was also a special version for the French Navy (CM.175 Zephyr), which was flown in 1959. The aircraft was built under license in Germany, Finland and Israel. In the last of these countries, they were armed with small arms, bombs and unguided air-to-ground missiles, making the CM.170 light attack aircraft. Such redesigned participants of in the Six-Day War in 1967. Due to its very good properties, the plane served in the French army until the 1980s. Technical data: Maximum speed: 715 km / h, speed of climb: 17 m / s, maximum ceiling 11,000 m, maximum range: 925 km, armament: fixed – 2 machine guns, caliber 7.5 mm, suspended – up to 140 kg of bombs or missiles.
SKU: KI48051 Categories: , ,