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Lifelike [ LL72-016] Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, part 5, 1/72


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1 in stock


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number: Lifelike 72-016 P-47Ds & 72017 P-51s.
Scale: 1/72
Contents and Media: Both sets have two sheets, one with the main markings plus the other with stencils, two A4 sized instruction sheets with full colour art-work and a smaller(A5) sheet for stencils all in a zip-lock bag.
Price: Around USD$12.50 from specialist model retailers worldwide
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Highly detailed with excellent artwork.
Disadvantages: Some of the stencils are a little dark causing flair in the printing process.
Conclusion: Lifelike is in the company of that exclusive group that are generally beyond reproach.
SKU: 72-016 Categories: , ,